Adult Ministry
Our adult ministries provide opportunities for spiritual development and the administration of the church.

Methodist Men
The mission of United Methodist Men is to help men grow in Christ, so others may know Christ. Methodist Men seeks to grow men that are doers of the word and not merely hearers.

We partner with the pastor and music ministry, to organize and plan worship experiences that offer an encounter with the presence of God.

Effectively manages the financial resources and accounting mechanisms of the church with transparency.

Stephen's Ministry
A program that provides distinctively Christian one-on-one lay caring ministry to those who are experiencing life needs and circumstances, both in our congregation and our community.

Church Council
The majoring decision-making body of the church, responsible for governing the church and the implantation of the vision and mission.

Library Committee
The Library Committee manages and updates the church library collection of United Methodist Reference Books, DVD’s, United Methodist Women’s reading program books and other offerings for spiritual development.

United Women In Faith
United Methodist Women, is now
United Women In Faith, but our mission remains the same: To be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a supportive fellowship;
expanding concepts of mission.

Social Justice
We seek to build a bridge between church and community, becoming active participants in addressing justice issues.

Provides for the upkeep and maintenance of all church properties and equipment.

Caring Ministry
Attends to the spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being of homebound members and their families.

Manages the endowed giving program of the church, within a clearly defined investment portfolio, providing sound financial guidance for the long-term financial stability of the church and its ministries.

We seek to be the hands and feet of Christ to those who are marginalized and in need, through local and global mission initiatives

We educate the church on the privilege and responsibility of managing our personal, intellectual, and financial resources with a Christ-centered mindset.

Lay Leadership
This team is responsible for identifying, developing, and training leaders for all the committees of the church, which are approved by the Annual Church Conference or monthly Church Council.

The membership committee primary task is to conduct an annual membership audit which records baptisms, professions of faith, confirmations, deaths, and transfers. The membership audit is reported during the Annual Church Conference for acceptance and action.

Christian Education
Works to develop a program of spiritual development for the children, youth, and adults of the church. The committee oversees the planning and implementation of Vacation Bible School, Thursday’s Together, Rotational Sunday School, Adult Bible Study Courses, and Adult Study Groups.