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The devotion for Wenesday, the third week of Advent, comes from Michael Hoy's, "Light of Grace: Devotions for Advent."

For as soon as I heard the sound of your greeting, the child in my womb leaped for Joy.

Luke 1:44 NRSV


Author's Reflection

Mary and Elizabeth share a joyously pregnant moment when they meet. Elezabeth's child, John, leaps in her womb for joy as the coming of the child whom Mary carries. Even here, John's leap of joy points to the Child of Mary as "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" (John 1:29).

Still, the Child comes himself in great humility and lowliness. He takes his place amoung the lowly of this world so that all who are lowly may have a place in God's great favor. In a world that often seeks to leap over others, this Child does not. Instead, Jesus provides the very foundation stone for all the world's rejected and disgraced ones. They, in turn, get to leap for joy in the amazing grace and good news.

Jesus Christ comes to bring the light of joy. In his light of joy, may we leap for others, expectantly bearing the promise of joy for the whole world.


Author's Prayer

Lord, Jesus, light of joy, may we be those who bear your promise and leap for joy for one and all. Amen.


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