Monday, the fourth week of advent devotion comes from Michael Hoy's, "Light of Grace: Devotions for Advent."
In him was life, and the life wa the light of all people.
John 1:4 NRSV
Author's Reflection
As the Word of God first spoke at the dawn of creation, "Let there be.....," so also it speaks to us again through Christ with promise. We are God's people. We were created by the grace of God. And even when we have fallen away from God, we may become newly created by the grace of God through God's Word in Jesus Christ. Christ is the Word that shatters all darkness. It spells the end of all that would keep us separate from God's love. Now we abide in God's love, and we abide in God. Christ is the Word who took on our human life and who gives us life so that we may have the new life as God's own children.
Christ's life is the light that enlightens the whole world. Christmas pours out the gift of grace for one and all. And we who get to bask in his light get to bring the cheer of life for all of God's creatures. The greeting "Merry Christmas!" may lift up new life in someone we encoutnter. Singing a carol of the season may breathe new life into those who hear of God's amazing grace and love. Greated and newly created by the Word of life, as "Amazing Grace says, "We've no less days to sing God's praise / Than when we'd first begun."
Author's Prayer
Lord, you are the Word who brought us into being, and through your grace, you give us new life that never ends. May your life-giving light shine with Grace for one and all. Amen.